Guess what, pets?! I was invited to a songwriters workshop in Nashville to work along side of some very famous songwriters as well as many up-and-coming songwriters so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.  I’ll be heading there on 10/9 and won’t be back until 10/13.  

If you are missing my voice while I am gone, you can always listen to past episodes of The Mistress and the Tramp, my many free audios, and even purchase my audios from the audio store.  

If you are wanting to grab me for a call at the first opportunity when I get back, feel free to email and ask about it. I won’t be checking email while I am away, but will catch up on what I missed as soon as I get back and will schedule appointments in the order in which they were requested.

…and with that, I’m off to pack for Nashville. What do you think; should I pack any of my naughty toys? 😉

Until I get back~
Intelligent Fantasies Phone Sex Mistress Hunter 800-601-6975




Your Intelligent Fantasies Mistress