I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- phone sex isn’t always about sex. In fact, the ‘sex’ part is often just a small part of a much larger picture. Sure, I have a few callers who call strictly to get off and they have no interest in conversing on any other topic, but the majority of my callers are people I’ve built true relationships with. We’ve shared ups and downs, good times and bad. This, to me, is what I think of when I hear the term girlfriend phone sex.
What is Girlfriend Phone Sex?
We hear a lot about the girlfriend experience or gfe phone sex but I think that term, too, is a misnomer. Girlfriend phone sex is often times advertised as a way to have all the fun times without all the hassles of an in-person relationship. While that can certainly be true in some cases, to me, girlfriend phone sex is not about replacing an in-person relationship.
It is about whatever we decide we want it to be about. We can just chit-chat and get to know each other or we can get all kinky, or we can do both. We can talk about sad things happening in your life or we can talk about good things that are happening. We can become phone friends.
Phone Friends
I like the term phone friend because it seems more fitting than phone sex girlfriend. When a regular caller emailed me to see if he could call and just talk for a while because he was very sad that his dog died, I found myself a bit teary-eyed as I emailed him back and told him to call. We talked all about his dog and the good times they had together. We laughed and we cried and we laughed some more.
Another caller couldn’t wait to call and tell me all about his new promotion at work and what that meant for him. We talked about interpersonal skills and what makes a good manager along with some of the challenges he would face.
Just recently, I spent hours conversing with a caller about muscle cars and engines, wine, progressive music, and more. We didn’t talk about sex, though I did discover about half-way through the call that he was being a sneaky masturbator and using a vibrator on himself while we talked.
Phone Sex, Phone Chat, Phone Sex Girlfriend, Phone Friend
My point is that I may be in the phone sex industry and I certainly do enjoy good old kinky phone sex, but I also enjoy good conversation, making connections and friendships. It’s the reason I do what I do. Though I get busy on projects that cause me to be absent from time to time, I can never stay away for long. I love what I do~ and I love all of you (seriously, that’s not just the wine talking!)
Until next time, friends~
wow we talked for an hour and sex didn’t even come up. Wow that is true love. lol
Sorry I missed your birthday (that’s not like me) but you know I have been busy,stressing and all. Love You.
I can honestly say you are the most interesting,funnest person I have ever spoken to.!
Awww. thank you fluffy. 🙂
Oh just a thought (you know im always thinking) shouldn’t we get a lower rate for chit chat. Ha Ha! 😉
LOL, that’s fluffy, always scheming for a discount. 😉
OH I thought you were talking about Us. lol.. that’s right you are my best friend in the world. honestly. If I was on my death bed. Besides my kids you are the one person I would like to see most. Remember once I called for a hour and said. “lets do the sex first and get it over with so we can talk” and you said (quite humorous of you I might add) ” oh yes lets get the sex over with” ha ha. Your plan is working and you know all about the bitch. she is gone. and we should talk again. But have business to attend to, but no worries it is coming. no pun intended. Love You.!
Yay, fluffy! The bitch is gone! How are all the Hooters girls?
I was talking about you, fluffy!
A post near and dear to my heart (and I guess my cock and balls too.) This post sure sums up our relationship — friends with some awfully fun kink thrown in. We spend more time on calls talking than playing, and some calls are all talk, so to speak. If it weren’t for the great relationship we have developed, the play for me wouldn’t be anywhere near as fun or meaningful. So sure I love talking to you about tits, pussy, and cock, but just as much or more about wine, food, travel, work, music and all the other things we enjoy. Good times and good post.
Very true, bfla! Lots of great conversation on a wide variety of topics and kinky fun all rolled together. Good times, indeed! 🙂
So good to see you back again, Hunter, you have been missed! I like this post, as it describes things very well. You and I love to talk rock ‘n roll, and our fav guitar players, and the good conversation really makes the sexy time more meaningful. I hope to catch up with you soon! xxoo Joe
So true, Joe! I enjoy our conversations very much and look forward to catching up with you again soon!